Like in the past, wait-listed students as well as other students interested in taking the class will be allowed to register via overrides on the fist day of class. We hope to accommodate many of you, but I can not guarantee that every one can be accommodated given the classroom constraints. We have also increased the capacity of second/online section of 677 to accommodate some of the overflow. Despite all of this, both sections of the course are full and the class has 85 students enrolled at present.
Can you do an over-ride for me before the start of the spring semester?
All overrides will be done after the first lecture once we can determine the number of open seats available to non Computer Science students. Override requests should be submitted online via the CICS online override request form. See
What is difference between the online and classroom section of 677 listed in Spire? The online section has been added to accomodate students who can not be accomodated in the class-room version. LEctures for the online section will be delivered via online video. Students in the online section will do the same work (assignments, exams) as the classroom students. They will have access to the TA and instructor during office hours. The only difference is that rather than classroom lectures, they will be watching lectures via on-demand video.
How do I register for the online section of 677? The online section is listed on SPIRE and the same policy applies to the online and classroom sections. If Spire does not allow you to register for any reason, you need an over-ride request to request permission to register for the online section as well.