CMPSCI 677: Instructions to login on EC2 instance
- Each group has a group-id and you would have received your
private-key if you have sent your
group-details to TA ( This s the same key which was
given to you for LAB1 ).
- There are 4 servers on EC2 with the necessary environment for
execution of code. Every one can log into any of
these four server but to avoid overload we have split
the groups between these servers with mod 4 rule;
which means group "i" will be on server (i mod 4)
- SERVER1="" ( group1, group5, ...)
- SERVER2="" (group2, group6, ... )
- SERVER3="" (group3, group7, ...)
- SERVER0="" (group4, group8, ... )
- one can ssh into the server using their group's key ( This
is the same key which was given to you for LAB1
). For e.g. let us assume that your
project_group_id=1 then your login id will be
group1; let us say that your private ssh-key is
stored in a file named group1.key, then you will ssh
into any of the server as follows
- ssh -i group1.key
- Although all of you can log into all the servers but please
stick your assigned server to avoid overload.
- on all the four server all server ports are open but to avoid
port conflict use the following rule: each group has 100 ports
according to the following rule: group-n will have
ports {20000 + (n-1)*100 - 2000 + (n*100)-1}; this
means that group1 will have ports {2000 - 2099} and
group2:{2100 - 2199}.
- WARNING: Do not make changes to your code on the server, because these are not EBS backed servers .... which means that if the server crashes whatever is kept on the server will be lost.