Lab 1 : Compile Your Own UML Kernel

Objective:  You will learn how to install the Uesr-Mode-Linux which will be used in your future kernel programming.

Background:  Read User-Mode-Linux HOWTO, especially the first three chapters.

Exercise guide: Compile Your Own UML Kernel (You need a UML kernel and a root filesystem to boot it on). 

       (Suppose you are now under your own directory, e.g., ~/Uml)
  1.  Download the root file system from SourceForge to your directory, uncompress it and rename it:
    	bunzip2 root_fs.rh-7.2-full.pristine.20020312.bz2 
    mv root_fs.rh-7.2-full.pristine.20020312 root_fs
    Or, you can directly copy it from my directory at elgate (you should do this if you are using elkpc since we have made some changes to load the modules inside UML) :
	cp /elpc/cs700/grad/huli/courses/Spring04/Uml/root_fs ./
  1.  Download Linux 2.4.23 kernel source (e.g., from to your directory, and uncompress it:
    	tar -xjvf linux-2.4.23.tar.bz2 
  2. Or , you can copy it from my directory at elgate:
              cp /elpc/cs700/grad/huli/courses/Spring04/Uml/linux-2.4.23.tar.bz2 ./
  1.  Download the UML patch uml-patch-2.4.23-2.bz2 from SourceForge, and apply the patch:
  2.         cd linux-2.4.23
    bzcat ../uml-patch-2.4.23-2.bz2 | patch -p1
    Also, from my directory:
	      cp /elpc/cs700/grad/huli/courses/Spring04/Uml/uml-patch-2.4.23-2.bz2 ./   
  1.  Compile the kernel:
    	make xconfig ARCH=um (click on "Save and Exit" in the window)
    make dep ARCH=um
    make linux ARCH=um
     The result is the binary file "linux" in this directory. 
  1.   If you configure to use kernel modules, you can compile with (under linux-2.4.23 directory)
	     make modules ARCH=um
            Since all modules that you want to load into this kernel must be built inside UML, you can do as follows:
             cd ..
mkdir mnt
mount root_fs mnt -o loop (to be as the host root to do these steps)
cd linux-2.4.23
make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../mnt ARCH=um
umount ../mnt (exit the root)

             Or, if you are using elkpc, after you boot the kernel, and mount the host filesystem, you can simply do the following command inside UML
             make modules_install ARCH=um
  1.   Now boot the kernel:
	     linux_2.4.23/linux (username: root,  passwd: root)
  1.   Mount the host file system:
	     mount -t hostfs none /mnt
            Or, you can modify the "/etc/fstab" file, just add one line (once done, it will automatically mount the host file system every time you start the uml):
             none /mnt hostfs defaults 0 0

How to hand in your documents: create a directory named lab1.* under your Uml directory on elgate . Write down if you have done with this assignment on time, either on your  own machine or the elkpc.  Also, tell us whatever you think that will be helpful for this course.