CMPSCI 677: Off-campus student policies
Instructions for submitting homework
(Off campus students only )
The following information is being provided to help coordinate the
speedy grading and return of assignments to off-campus
students. Please
direct any comments or questions about the information below to me (Prashant Shenoy).
- Teaching Assistant. Our TA for the course will be Jiang Lan
Office hours: Friday, 11:30-12:30, phone during office hours: 413 577 6310, normal phone: 413-545-0067
You may find it most convenient to communicate with Jiang and me using
- Mailing in your homeworks and exams.
Please keep a xerox
copy of anything you send in. Things can get lost in your company
mail, in US mail, or in the UMass mail.
You can mail me your assignments and exams (by US mail or email), or
you can Fax them to VIP. Please do not fax your assignment to the
Computer Science department, as it is likely to get lost.
Mailing address:
Prashant Shenoy
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
If you email your assignments, please use ASCII, postscript or
pdf formats. Please also do not submit Word, Wordperfect files,
or the like.
Due Dates. Due dates will generally be one, or one and a half,
week(s) following the day during which you either viewed the
last lecture covered in the homework assignment or received the
homework (whichever is later). Late homeworks will be assessed
a penalty of 10% per day late.
I'm hoping the above timing will allow you considerable time and
flexibility in completing the assignment. I appreciate the fact that
off-campus students have to juggle a job (which is often more
than full-time), a family, one or more courses, and other things. However,
Please try to complete the assignments ASAP
-- the
sooner you send in the assignment, the sooner it will be graded and
the sooner it will be returned to you. If you need an extension, you
need only contact the TA to arrange an extension.
As always, comments about how we might further improve the
process of collecting, and grading homeworks from off-campus
students (and any other aspects of the course as well) are always
Incomplete Policy
(Off campus students only )
Due to many factors, it is occasionally
necessary (although by no means desirable) for an
offcampus student who can not finish the course material with the semester
to take an incomplete (I grade) in the course. I would stress that this
should be avoided at all costs -- neither you nor I want an unfisnished course
hanging over our collective heads.
In order to be granted an incomplete, an
off-campus student must:
- complete at least half of the course (i.e., the midterm and all assignments
up through the midterm) before the end of the semester
- must obtain the instructor's permission before the end of the semester
and work out a schedule for completion.
Hopefully, this
policy will provide the right impetus for students to finish the course
(you will have already done half the work for the course), or to withdraw
early enough if it becomes clear that your schedule will be too busy for you to
complete even half the course.
This page is online at
Prashant Shenoy
Last modified: Tue Jan 29 10:50:05 EST 2002