CMPSCI 653: Off-campus student policies

Instructions for submitting homework

(Off campus students only )

The following information is being provided to help coordinate the speedy grading and return of assignments to off-campus students. Please direct any comments or questions about the information below to me (Prashant Shenoy).

Incomplete Policy

(Off campus students only )

Due to many factors, it is occasionally necessary (although by no means desirable) for an offcampus student who can not finish the course material with the semester to take an incomplete (I grade) in the course. I would stress that this should be avoided at all costs -- neither you nor I want an unfisnished course hanging over our collective heads.

In order to be granted an incomplete, an off-campus student must:

Hopefully, this policy will provide the right impetus for students to finish the course (you will have already done half the work for the course), or to withdraw early enough if it becomes clear that your schedule will be too busy for you to complete even half the course.

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Prashant Shenoy
Last modified: Fri Feb 4 17:52:47 EST 2000