CMPSCI 754: Multimedia Systems
Instructor: Prashant Shenoy
Class meeting times: TuTh 1:00-2:15
Room: LGRT 321
Schedule #: 396796
Office Hours: Thursday 2:15 - 3:30, LGRC A255, or by
Table of Contents
- Course Description
- Prerequisites
- Textbook
- Course Requirements
- Reading List
- Project information (restricted access)
- Handouts (restricted access)
- Course overiew (January 26, 1999)
- Introduction (January 26, 1999)
- Video compression (January 28 - February 4, 1999)
- Video servers (February 9 - March 2, 1999)
- Assignment #1: Compression (February 18, 1999)
- Integrated File Systems ( March 2 - March 9, 1999)
- I/O Subsystems (March 11 - March 23, 1999)
- Processor scheduling (part 1 of 2) (March 25, 1999)
- Processor scheduling (part 2 of 2) (March 30, 1999)
- Assignment #2: Multimedia File Systems and Operating Systems (April 1, 1999)
- OS Structure (April 8, 1999)
- Protocols for Video Transport (April 13 - April 15, 1999)
- Integrated Services Networks (April 20 - May 4, 1999)
- Multimedia Databases (May 9, 1999)
- Multimedia Applications (May 11, 1999)
CMPSCI 754 is an advanced course covering both theoretical and
practical issues in designing multimedia systems. Topics to be covered
include introduction to multimedia systems, digital video compression
techniques, operating system support for digital audio and video, as
well as network and transport protocols for multimedia. An emphasis
will be placed on current design issues and research topics.
Familiarity with concepts in graduate computer networks and operating system design.
There is no textbook for this course. A collection of recent research articles
will be made available in the form of a course packet. The course packet will
be available from Copycat Print Shop (located in downtown Amherst)
starting February 2nd.
The instructor will introduce basic concepts on each of the topics.
Students will be expected to understand, describe, and critique the
research papers during class discussions. Additionally, students will
be expected to carry out a semester-long project.
Grades will be determined by a project, examinations, and class
A special laboratory equipped with five Intel P2s (running Linux) has
been set up for this course. Course projects involving OS kernel
modifications will be given priority access to these machines. Edlab
machines are also available for course projects.
R. Steinmetz, ``Data Compression Techniques in Multimedia computing
- Principles and Techniques'', ACM Multimedia Systems, Vol. 1, Pages
166-172, 187-204, 1994
G.K. Wallace, ``The JPEG Still Picture Compression Standard'',
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 34, No. 4, Pages 31-44, April 1991.
D. Le Gall, ``MPEG: A Video Compression Standard for Multimedia
Applications'', Communications of the ACM, Vol. 34, No. 4, Pages
46-58, April 1991.
T. Chiang and D. Anastassiou, ``Hierarchical Coding of Digital
Television'', IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 32, pp. 38-45, May
P. Shenoy, P. Goyal, and H.M. Vin, ``Issues in Multimedia Server
Design'', ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 27, No. 4, Pages 636-639,
December 1995
D J. Gemmel, H M. Vin, D D. Kandlur and P. V. Rangan, ``Multimedia
Storage Servers: A Tutorial and Survey'', IEEE Computer, Vol. 28,
No. 5, Pages 40-49, May 1995
P. Shenoy and H.M. Vin. ``Efficient Striping Techniques for Multimedia
File Servers'', In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on
Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video
(NOSSDAV'97), Pages 25-36, May 1997
Fault Tolerance:
H. M. Vin, P.J. Shenoy, and S. Rao, ``Efficient Failure Recovery in
Multi-Disk Multimedia Servers'', In Proceedings of the 25th Annual
International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing (FTCS-25),
Pasadena, California, Pages 12-21, June 1995
H.M. Vin, P. Goyal, A. Goyal and A. Goyal, ``A Statistical Admission
Control Algorithm for Multimedia Servers'', In Proceedings of the ACM
Multimedia'94, San Francisco, Pages 33-40, October 1994
H. M. Vin, A. Goyal and P. Goyal, ``Algorithms for Designing
Large-Scale Multimedia Servers'', Computer Communications, Vol. 18,
No. 3, Pages 192-203, March 1995
A. Dan and D. Sitaram, ``Buffer Management Policy for an On-Demand
Video Server'', IBM Research Report RC 19347, October 1994
Integrated File System Design Issues:
P. Shenoy and H.M. Vin, ``Cello: A Disk Scheduling Framework for
Next-generation Operating Systems'', In Proceedings of ACM
SIGMETRICS'98, the International Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, Madison, WI, Pages 44-55, June 1998
P.J. Shenoy, P. Goyal, S. Rao, and H.M. Vin, ``Design and
Implementation of Symphony: An Integrated Multimedia File System'', In
Proceedings of ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking 1998
(MMCN'98), San Jose, Pages 124-138, January 1998
I/O Subsystem:
P. Druschel, ``Operating System Support for High-Speed Networking'',
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 39, No. 9, Pages 41-51, September
P. Druschel and G. Banga, ``Lazy Receiver Processing (LRP): A Network
Subsystem Architecture for Server Systems'', In Proceedings of the 2nd
Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI),
Seattle, Washington, Pages 261-275, October 1996
J. Brustoloni and P. Steenkiste, ``Effects of Buffering Semantics on
I/O Performance'', In Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Operating
System Design and Implementation (OSDI), Seattle, Washington, Pages
266-291, October 1996
Processor Scheduling:
P. Goyal, X. Guo, and H.M. Vin, ``A Hierarchical CPU Scheduler for
Multimedia Operating Systems'', In Proceedings of the Second Symposium
on Operating Systems Design and Implementations (OSDI'96), Seattle,
Washington, Pages 107-122, October 1996
J. Nieh and M. Lam, ``The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of
SMART: A Scheduler for Multimedia Applications'', In Proceedings of
the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Saint-Malo, France,
Pages 184-197, December 1997
OS Structure/Architecture:
R. Govindan and D.P. Anderson, ``Scheduling and IPC Mechanisms for
Continuous Media'', Proceedings of 13th ACM Symposium on Operating
Systems Principles, Pacific Grove, CA, Pages 68-80, October 1991
G. Coulson, A. Campbell, P. Robin, G. Blair, M. Papathomas, and
D. Shepherd, ``The Design of a QoS-Controlled ATM-Based
Communications System in Chorus, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications, Vol. 13, No. 4, Pages 686-699, May 1995
M. Frans Kaashoek, D. Engler, G. Ganger, H. Briceno, R. Hunt,
D. Mazieres, T. Pinckney, R Grimm, J. Jannotti, and K. Mackenzie,
``Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems'', In
Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles,
Saint-Malo, France, Pages 52-65, December 1997
Protocols for Video Transport:
S.S. Lam, S. Chow, and D.K.Y. Yau, ``An Algorithm for Lossless
Smoothing of MPEG Video'', In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'94, London,
September 1994
- J. Salehi, Z. Zhang, J. Kurose, and D. Towsley, ``Supporting Stored
Video: Reducing Rate Variability and End-to-End Resource Requirements
through Optimal Smoothing'', In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS'96,
Philadelphia, PA, May 1996
- P. Goyal and H.M. Vin, ``Network Algorithms and Protocol for
Multimedia Servers'', In Proceedings of INFOCOM'96, San Francisco,
Pages 1371-1379, March 1996
Issues in Designing Integrated Services Networks:
S. Shenker, ``Fundamental Design Issues for the Future Internet'',
IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 13, Pages
1176-1188, September 1995
H. Zhang and S. Keshav, ``Comparison of Rate-Based Service
Disciplines'', In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'91, August 1991.
P. Goyal, H.M. Vin, and H. Cheng, ``Start-time Fair Queuing: A
Scheduling Algorithm for Integrated Services Packet Switching
Networks'', In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'96, San Francisco, Pages
157-168, August 1996
P. Goyal, S.S. Lam, and H.M. Vin, ``Determining End-to-End Delay in
Heterogeneous Networks'', ACM Multimedia Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, Pages
157-163, 1997
D. Ferrari and D. C. Verma, ``A Scheme for Real-Time Channel
Establishment in Wide-Area Networks'', IEEE Journal on Selected Areas
in Communications, Vol. 8, No. 3, Pages 368-379, April 1990.
M. Flickner, et al., ``Query by Image and Video Content: The QBIC
System'', IEEE Computer, Vol 28, Num 9, pp 23-32, Sept. 1995
Prashant Shenoy
Last modified: Sat May 15 16:53:07 EDT 1999