COMPSCI 677 Distributed and Operating Systems
Spring 2019
Lab 2: A Multi-tier Online Book Store
Due: March 6
- You may work in groups of two for this lab assignment.
- This project has the following goals:
- To teach you distributed web programming using web frameworks
- To teach you programming using REST APIs
- To teach concepts of multi-tier web design and micro-services.
- To teach you basics of distributed systems design and experimentation.
A: The problem
You have been tasked to design - the World's smallest book store. carries only four books for sale:
- How to get a good grade in 677 in 20 minutes a day.
- RPCs for Dummies.
- Xen and the Art of Surviving Graduate School.
- Cooking for the Impatient Graduate Student.
Since hopes to one day become an Amazon, they would like to use sound design principles to design their online store in order to allow for future growth.
The store will employ a two-tier web design - a front-end and a back-end - and use microservices at each tier. The front-end tier will accept user requests and perform initial processing. The backend consists of two components: a catalog server and an order server.
The catalog server maintains the catalog (which currently consists of the above four entries). For each entry, it maintains the number of items in stock, cost of the book and the topic of the book. Currently
all books belong to one of two topics: distributed systems (first two books) and graduate school (the last two books). The order server maintains a list of all orders received for the books. The front-end is implemented a single microservice, while the catalog and order services in the backend are implemented as two separate microservices. In this case, a micro-service can be viewed as a separate process that accepts requests.
The front end server supports three operations:
- search(topic) - which allows the user to specify a topic and returns all entries beloging to that category (a title and an item number are displayed for each match.
- lookup(item_number) - which allows an item number to be specified and returns details such as number of items in stock and cost
- buy(item_number) - which specifies an item number for purchase.
The first two operations trigger queries on the catalog server. The buy operations triggers a request to the order server.
The catalog server supports two operations: query and update. Two types of
queries are supported: query-by-subject and query-by-item. In the first case, a topic is specified and the server returns all matching entries. In the second case, an item is specified and all relevant details are returned. The update operation allows the cost of an item to be updated or the number of items in stock to be increased or decreased.
The order server supports a single operation: buy(item_number). Upon receiving
a buy request, the order server must first verify that the item is in stock by querying the catalog server and then decrement the number of items in stock by one. The buy request can fail if the item is out ot stock.
Assume that new stock arrives periodicaly and the catalog is updated accordingly.
An pictorial representation of the system is as shown in the figure below.
B: How to tackle the problem
Unlike lab 1, which used low-level RPC or socket programming, lab 2 will involve
programming at a higher level of abstraction. You will use a web framework to write the
code for lab 2. We strongly recommend using either Java or Python for this lab and we
also strongly recommend use of a lightweight micro web framework such as Flask for Python
or Spark / Ninja for Java. These are very lightweight web frameworks that are easier to learn than full-fledged web frameworks such as Django / Struts etc. We would strongly discourage you from using these heavyweight frameworks since one of the goals of this lab is to write small/lightweight micro-services. Like before, you still have creative freedom to use a different
language or a web framework but you will need to discuss your design choice before hand with us.
A second requirement of the lab is to implement the above interfaces for each component
as a HTTP REST interface (the above web frameworks have this functionality built into it).
For example, rather than implementing search(item) using an RPC interface, you
should use a REST call of the form
or simply
. In the former case, the argument item name is part of the
request URL itself, while in the second case, the argument can be passed as a json object
as part of the request. In either case, the response should be returned as a JSON object.
All interface calls, namely search, lookup, buy, query, update should be exposed
as HTTP REST calls by each component.
REST Interface As noted above, your system should use a REST client/server architecture. This means creating several endpoints that correspond to the interfaces provided above.
- A sample endpoint for the search(item) interface may be of the following form:
- Clients can make this api call to the server and will receive back a json object of the following form:
"items": {
"RPC for Dummies": 345,
"Cooking for the Impatient Graduate Student": 359
Observe that you code is no longer using RPCs to communicate and is instead using HTTP
requests and responses for communications.
Like before, your code needs to support concurrent requests. However modern web frameworks have built-in support for accepting multiple concurrent requests and use
threads or async processing, and thus you get concurrency for "free" without writing low
level threads code.
The order and catalog requests need to maintain data in a persistent manner (i.e., on disk). Normally a web framework will maintain persistent data in a database. Your code
should minimally use a simple text file (e.g., CSV file) to maintain the catalog and order
log, but it is also fine to use a very simple database such as sqlite. Please refrain from
using heavyweight databases such mysql or postgresql / mongodb etc for this lab. Simple
text files or sqlite database should suffice.
Your multi-tier application should have the ability to run the three components
on different machines in a distributed fashion. You can achieve this by implementing
each component (e.g., front-tier, order server, catalog server) as a separate flash micro-service that communicate with each other using HTTP REST calls.
Like in Lab 1, you will use github for a source code control repository. Please make sure you use multiple commits and provide detailed commit messages.
You will be evaluated on your use of effective commits.
Like before, one of the goals of the lab is to teach to you properly test distributed code. For the purposes of the lab, you should write at least two tests of your choice either using a testing framework or using your own scripts/inputs to test the code. The tests and test output should be submitted along with your code. Please be sure to test
your code in a distributed (multi-machine) setting.
We do not expect elaborate use of github or testing frameworks - rather we want you to become familiar with these tools and start using them for distributed programming (or your own work.)
No GUIs are required. Simple command line interfaces are fine.
C. Evaluation and Measurement
Unlike the P2P architecture of lab 1, this lab uses a client-server model, and the
server itself uses a multi-tier and microservies design.
- Deploy your system on three machines, with each of the three component on a different
edlab machine. BE SURE NOT TO USE PORT 80 for your code since it may conflict with processes run by other (also port 80 is reserved and typically not allowed for user processes). Run a client on a separate 4th machine and show that your code works properly
by making different types of requests and printing appropriate log messages at the client
and the components.
- Compute the average response time per client search request by measuring the
end-to-end response time seen by a client for , say, 1000 sequential requests. Also, measure the response times when multiple clients are concurrently making requests to the system, for instance, you can vary the number of clients and observe how the average
response time changes.
- Following the idea shown above, break down the end-to-end response time into component-specific response times by computing the per-tier response time for query and buy requests
Make necessary plots to support your conclusions.
D. What you will submit
When you have finished implementing the complete
assignment as described above, you will submit your solution to github.
We expect you would have used github throughout for source code development
for this lab; please use github to turn in all of the following (in addition to your code)
- Source code with inline comments/documentation.
A copy of the output generated by running your program. When it receives a book, have your program print a message "bought
book book_name ".
When a client issues a query (lookup/search), having your program print the returned results in a nicely formatted manner.
- A seperate document of approximately two to three pages
describing the overall program design, a description of "how it
works", and design tradeoffs considered and made. Also describe
possible improvements and extensions to your program (and sketch how
they might be made). You also need to describe clearly how we can
run your program - if we can't run it, we can't verify that it works.
Please submit the design document and the output in the docs directory in your repository.
- A seperate description of the tests you ran on your program to
convince yourself that it is indeed correct. Also describe any cases
for which your program is known not to work correctly. Please submit this
document along with the above design doc in the docs directory in your repo.
The tests themselves
should be checked into a tests sub-directory.
- Performance results of your measurements/experiments should be included in
the docs directory. Provide the results/data as a simple graphs or table with brief
E. Grading policy for all programming assignments
- Program Listing
works correctly ------------- 40%
in-line documentation -------- 10%
- Design Document
quality of your system design and creativity ------------ 15%
quality of your design document ------- 10%
- Performance experiments ------- 10%
- Use of github with checkin comments --- 5%
- Thoroughness of test cases ---------- 10%
- Grades for late programs will be lowered 10 points per day late.