Getting Familiar with Amazon EC2
Due: April 30 2017.
The main goal of this hands-on homework is to become
faimilar with the Amazon elastic compute cloud (EC2) platform.
The exercise involves a series of steps. Please follow the
instructions carefully to execute these steps. Each step provides
familiarity with a certain functionality provided by EC2.
You will need security credentials (certificates and keys) to carry
out the assignment.
Please turn in a short (1-2 page) report with your observations and
output from some of the key steps in this assignment. You will also
required to provide an estimate (approximate estimates are OK) on how
much your EC2 operations will cost the instructor.
Use Amazon's
pricing policy and monitoring data to compute your estimates.
In your report, you should clearly mention which EC2 api commands you tried, and All the AMI and instance IDs that you created.
Please remember
that we are paying actual money to Amazon based on your usage -- so be
very careful with the resources you use, and if you are unclear on any
aspect, ask us for clarifications.
WARNING: All users in this class will be placed in the same security
group - which means that you have privileges to terminate a server
started by another fellow student. Please do not abuse these
privileges. Update: Amazon has added safety restrictions to student accounts
and this warning is no longer applicable.
We may add further explanations on some of these steps to clarify - we
will notify the class by email if we do so.
Step 0: Obtain EC2 credentials
- Register for an AWS starter account at
- The account activation email contains link the qwiklabs page. Click on the "AWS Account" tab. For your reference, the qwiklabs link is .
- Start "Lab 1". We will not be actually doing the lab, but this step is necessary to get AWS credentials. Doing this generates the access and secret keys in the bottom right part of the window. Copy these to in your bash ~/.bashrc (see Step 1 below).
- Click on "Open Console" on left. This will open the full AWS service GUI in another window.
- Goto top-left services tab -> EC2 .
- On the top-right corner, note and select the geographical region. "N. Virginia" is US-east-1, and is the default region for command-line API tools. If the region is something else (like Oregon), please ensure that either you select N.Virgina OR specify the appropriate region (like US-west-1) in all your ec2 API calls.
- Then goto "Key Pairs" in network & security.
- Click on key-pairs in the EC2 part of the console. A qwik labs ssh keypair is already created for you. You will need to create (say, 677kp) and download another keypair. This is your RSA private key that will enable you to ssh into your ec2 instances.
Step 1: Install EC2 tools
You can download and install the tools in the EDlab machines, or on your local machine
Step 2: Create an Instance and record its approximate starting time
In this step, you will start up a new Linux server on the EC2 cloud. A
server is refered to as an EC2 instance. To start a server, you need
to specify a machine image (think of it as a boot disk). Machine
images are called AMI (amazon machine image) in EC2 terminology.
One can create an EC2 instance by specifying an ami-id. But before you
create an instance you need to know what kind of ami to use. This is how
you would do it
- Amazon provides default Linux machine images. Depending on the region, pick the appropriate linux or ubuntu AMI from Please select "HVM" AMIs only. For example, use ami-22ce4934 for US-east-1 region, and ami-9e247efe for US-west-1. The next step is to choose an instance type, for which we pick the t2.medium type.
Please do not create bigger instances as every time an
instance is created the account is charged (even if it is
immediately terminated)
- You can create an instance of this AMI as follows: In this
example the key (-k 677pk).
ec2-run-instances ami-22ce4934 -t t2.medium -k 677kp
- This will return the instance id, something like i-487587d5. The
instance id is the identifier for your instance, and will be required
for most of the EC2 commands. After a few seconds, the instance should
have started, so check the status of this instance.
ec2-describe-instances i-487587d5.
This gives various details about the instance type, who is running it,
and the address where you can access the instance, something like .
- Record the approximate time it took to create the instance (seconds? minutes?)
Step 3: ssh into the Newly created instance
- ssh into the instance using your private key pair and the domain name of your instance
- Make sure the 677kp.pem has the right file permissions
chmod 400 677kp.pem
ssh -i /path/to/677kp.pem
- Its possible this may fail/time-out. If that is the case, go to the EC2 console, and go to the "Security Groups" tab on the left. Select the default security group, and under Actions, select "edit inbound rules". Now in the "Source" column, select "Anywhere". This will allow your instance to be reachable by SSH.
Step 4: Install an application
You can install software on ec2 instances just like on any other linux machine:
yum install -y perl emacs
Step 5: Create a new Image from running instance -- record the time of each operation
Now we can take our customized server and create a new machine image
using its disk state. This will allow us to create a new future
instance with these customized applications preinstalled.
Use the ec2-create-image command, and give it the instance-id
and a name for your new image. The name should be something like
ec2-create-image i-487587d5 -n 677_test_image
If successful, this returns a new AMI, note down this ami-id.
check if the AMI has gotten registered ...
$ ec2-describe-images | grep your-new-ami-id
Step 6: Create an instance of this new image and terminate all your instances -- record time of each operation
You can now terminate your old instance, since we already have created a machine image with your new changes.
ec2-terminate-instances instance-id
You can approximate the time it takes to terminate by looking at the
ec2-describe-instances output and see the status of your instance
(running/ shutting-down/ stopped/ terminated, etc)
Now you can start another instance from your customized AMI!
$ ec2-run-instances new-ami-id -k 677kp -t t2.medium
Note that the instance id of this newly created instance is different. Note the new instance id, because the next step is to terminate this new instance as well. Terminate the instance using the ec2-terminate-instances new-instance-id command as before.
Step 7: Compute the cost of this entire operation
Use Amazon's pricing policy
to compute the cost of all operations you performed in this assignment---take
into account the time for which your EC2 instances ran, cost of network I/O,
cost of S3 operations etc.
Step 8: Cleaning Up..
Be sure to terminate only your instances; since all projects groups
are in the same AWS security group, you can indvertanly terminate
someone else's instanes as well, so be careful with this command.
The last step is to deregister your newly created AMI by
ec2-deregister ami-id-here
Deregistering an AMI does not actually delete it. You need to
delete the snapshot associated with the AMI. First find the snapshot by
ec2-describe-snapshots | grep ami-id-here
SNAPSHOT snap-beba4fd9 vol-9ccd304d completed 2016-04-10T19:03:51+0000 100% 101840822718 8 Created by CreateImage(i-487587d5) for ami-9eddcdf4 from vol-9ccd304d
We are finally ready to delete this snapshot. Note the snapshot ID from the previous command and then:
ec2-delete-snapshot snap-beba4fd