Spring 2013
Programming Assignment 2: Angry Birds: Part Deux ( )
Due: 11:55pm, Wed April 12, 2013
Communication between pigs and the leader can be direct or you can continue to use the P2P network from the previous lab. Further, to determine whether a pig is impacted by a bird, we will use logical clocks (you can choose Lamport's clocks or vector clocks). Assume that each process maintains a logical clock. Messages and events (e.g., bird launch, bird landing) are time-stamped by logical clocks and so are events such as pigs taking an evasive action. A pig is impacted if the bird landing event happened before the took evasive action event. After each round, pigs communicate the time-stamps of various events of interest to the leader, who then compares the clock values and determines the "result".
Like before you can assume that a message can take variable delays to propagate, which you can emulate by making the logical clocks of the receiver tick by more than 1 unit. As a result, the notification to take evasive action may "happen" after a bid lands or before. Like before, the speed of a bird and its trajectory can be chosen randomly each time and the landing event can be emualated by ticking the logical clock by an appropriate amount.
Your program should handle the following cases: 1) A leader can resign any time and the pigs can elect a new leader by running the election algorithm. 2) While either Lamports or Vector clocks can be used, be sure to implement them in a way to ensure clocks values can be compared to determine event ordering.
No GUIs are required. Simple command line interfaces are fine.
Assume that the number of pigs N is specified beforehand (N should be configurable in your system).
peer should be able to accept multiple requests at the same time. This could be
easily done using threads. Be aware of the thread synchronizing issues to avoid
inconsistency or deadlock in your system. For
instance, if you use a shared data structure that keeps track of pig and stone
positions that are accessed concurrently by different pigs, ensure no pig
accesses an inconsistent version of the structure.
GUIs are required. Simple command line interfaces are fine.
· When you have finished
implementing the complete assignment as described above, you will submit your
solution in the form of a zip file that you will upload into moodle.
· Each program must work correctly
and be documented. The zip file you upload to moodle
should contain:
works correctly ------------- 50%
in-line documentation -------- 15%
quality of design and creativity
------------ 15%
understandability of doc ------- 10%
· Read more about edlab and how to access it here
· Although it is not required that you
develop your code on the edlab machines, we will run
and test your solutions on the edlab machines. Testing
your code on the edlab machines is a good way to
ensure that we can run and grade your code. Remember, if we cant run it, we cant grade
· There are no visiting hours for
the edlab. You should all have remote access to the edlab machines. Please make sure you are able to log into
and access your edlab accounts.
· IMPORTANT - No submissions are to be
made on edlab. Submit your solutions only via moodle.