CMPSCI 653: Computer Networks Syllabus

Spring 2000 Course Information

Instructor: Prashant Shenoy
Office: Room 336, Computer Science Bldg
Office Hours: Thursdays 4:00-5:30 pm, Room 336, or by appointment
Phone: (413) 577 0850
Fax: (413) 545 1249

Content: Computer Networks is a graduate course that introduces fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of computer communication networks and their protocols. Topics include: layered network architectures, applications, transport, congestion, routing, data link protocols, local area networks, multimedia networking, network management, and network security. An emphasis will be placed on the protocols used in the Internet. Final grades will be determined by written homeworks, programming assignments and two exams. Prerequisites: A rudimentary understanding of computer architecture and operating systems, while not required, would be helpful.

Teaching assistant: Xiao Xie
Office hours: M 3:30-4:30, F 10:30-11:30 in LGRT 224


  1. A rudimentary understanding of computer architecture and operating systems would be helpful.
  2. You must be able to program in a structured high-level programming language, like C, C++ or Java. Programming assignments will be in C/UNIX.

Course Materials:

  1. Recommended Texts:

  2. Assigned readings from magazines, manuals, and the WWW; this material will be placed on reserve in the Physical Sciences library, and made avilable to off campus students.

  3. Course home page: All course materials (handouts, lecture notes, homeworks, assignments and solutions) will be posted on the course home page at
    As the semester goes along, the site will fill up with lots of useful other information, pointers to other sites, etc. Please make sure you check out and use this site frequently.

  4. Mailing list: A broadcast class email address,, has been created. If you send mail to this address, it will be broadcast to the 60 or so students in the class, so please use it wisely and carefully. I will use it to broadcast information of interest to everyone. You might want to use it to broadcast a question, or give a pointer to material that you think will be of general interest. See documentation about how to add/delete yourself from the class broadcast email list.


Copyright notice: Many of the materials created for this course are the intellectual property of the instructor. This includes, but is not limited to, the syllabus, lectures and course notes. Except to the extent not protected by copyright law, any use, distribution or sale of such materials requires the permission of the instructor. Please be aware that it is a violation of university policy to reproduce, for distribution or sale, class lectures or class notes, unless copyright has been explicity waived by the faculty member.
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Prashant Shenoy
Last modified: Mon Jan 31 16:07:22 EST 2000