CMPSCI 653: Research Readings

In the last week of class, we will read papers on current research topics in networking, with a particular focus on papers related to topics we covered in class. We will read the following papers appeared in the last three years of ACM SIGCOMM, the premier research conference in Networking.

  1. Quality of Service
    Best-effort versus Reservations: A Simple Comparative Analysis
    Lee Breslau and Scott Shenker
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'98, Vancouver, BC, pages 2-16, August 1998

  2. Diff-serv and Virtual Private Networks
    A Flexible Model for Resouce Management in Virtual Private Networks
    N. Duffield, P. Goyal, A. Greenberg, P. Mishra, K K. Ramakrishnan and J Merwe
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'99, Cambridge, MA, pages 95-108, August 1999

  3. Routing
    An Experimental Study of Internet Routing Convergence
    C. Labovitz. A. Ahuja, A. Bose, F. Jahanian
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'2000, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2000 (to appear)

  4. Diff Serv
    A Quantitative Study of Differentiated Services for the Internet.
    S. Sahu, D. Towsley and J. Kurose
    Proceedings of IEEE Global Internet, Globecom'99, pp. 1808-1817, Rio de Janiero, Dec 1999
    This is the paper that was presented in Lecture # 21

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Prashant Shenoy
Last modified: Tue May 9 10:48:05 EDT 2000