CMPSCI 377: Operating Systems
Homework 1
Due: Sept 25, 2013
Note: Please submit your solutions via moodle.
- Explain the difference between uniprogramming and multiprogramming.
- Explain why the OS attempts to overlap computation and I/O on a machine.
- What is Moore's law? Give an example of hardware improvements you have seen for any computing product
that you can attribute to Moore's law.
- Why are user and kernel modes necessary on a CPU?
- Explain why the OS needs to prevent a process from accessing the memory allocated to another process.
- What is the purpose of the following registers: program counter, stack pointer?
- Why is I/O a privileged operation on a hardware?
- What is a trap and explain the purpose of a trap vector?
- Explain any two methods for passing parameters to the OS for a system call.
- What is a micro-kernel architecture for an OS kernel?