CMPSCI 377: Operating Systems
Discussion 2: OS Design and System Calls


  1. TA office hours on 9/14 are moved to 9:30-11 AM.
  2. Please submit your course collaboration document on Moodle if you have not done so already.
  3. Instructions on setting up Nachos will be posted shortly (we will notify you).


  1. Slides from discussion: slides.pdf
  2. Discussion questions and solutions
  3. Code to the C fork program we walked through: fork1.c. Compile with
    gcc -o fork1 fork1.c
    and then run the resulting binary with
  4. Code to the Java exec program we discussed in the context of fork: Recall that we discussed how you can use use the fork call (which creates a new process) and the exec call (which transforms the current process into a different program, like hostname in the previous example) to implement the command execution framework of Runtime.exec() in Java.

    In fact, using a combination of fork and exec is how most command line shells (e.g., Bash) are implemented. See this page for a good reference on Unix system calls - in particular, I'd recommend reading the (very brief) section on fork and wait. Just following those sections is an example of implementing a simple shell program using fork, exec, and wait.