Creating and Starting Threads

In Java, there are two ways to create a thread

-------Implements the Runnable.jave interface.

-------Instantiating a subclass that inherits

Using Runnable Interface(just need know the concept )

public interface Runnable() {

public void run();


There is only one method defined in Runnable interface; run(). Any class implements this interface have to provide its own version of implementation of run() method.

/*create thread from Runnable imterface*/

class Worker2 implements Runnable


public void run() {

System.out.println("I Am a Worker Thread ");



public class Second


public static void main(String args[]) {

Runnable runner = new Worker2();

Thread thrd = new Thread(runner);


System.out.println("I Am The Main Thread");



/*create thread from Thread class*/

class Worker1 extends Thread


public void run() {

System.out.println("I Am a Worker Thread");



public class First


public static void main(String args[]) {

Worker1 runner = new Worker1();


System.out.println("I Am The Main Thread");



Creating a Thread

Instantiating a subclass of

/*AThread class implements a thread that */

/*sleeps and outputs a computation */

class AThread extends Thread {

static int Range = 10000;

int input;

public AThread( int y ) { input = y; }

public void compute() {

int howLong = (int)(Math.random() * Range);

try {

sleep( howLong );

} catch (InterruptedException e) { };

System.out.println("input = " + input + " squared = " + input*input);


public void run() { compute(); }// required by Java


Now consider a program,, that spawns a thread. The main thread (most likely) terminates before the spawned thread does.

class th1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

AThread t = new AThread(7); // create thread

t.start(); // start thread (at

System.out.println("Main Done");

// main exits here; t continues




Main Done

input = 7 squared = 49

Note that the main thread (the thread that is given to main()) terminates before thread t.

Multiple Threads

Now consider a program that spawns multiple threads ( It's not much different than the previous:

/* th2 shows how to create three threads, a, b, and c. */

class th2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Step 1: create threads

AThread a = new AThread(1);

AThread b = new AThread(2);

AThread c = new AThread(3);

// Step 2: start all threads




// Step 3: main thread exits here, presumably before

// a, b, or c are finished

System.out.println("Main done");




Main done

input = 2 squared = 4

input = 3 squared = 9

input = 1 squared = 1

Note: that the order in which threads start may not be the order in which they complete. (The reason is that each thread is alive for a different length of time). Run th2 several times to see this.

Joining a Thread

Now suppose that threads a, b, c must be executed in this

order. The Thread class provides a x.join() method, where x is a thread. x.join() will cause the calling thread to wait until thread x is terminated.

/* th3 shows how to run three threads, a, b, and c/

/* sequentially. Program illustrates the join() method*/

class th3 {

public static void main(String[] args)

throws InterruptedException {

// Step 1: create threads

AThread a = new AThread(1);

AThread b = new AThread(2);

AThread c = new AThread(3);

// Step 2: start first thread, wait, start second, wait...







// Step 3: main thread exits here

System.out.println("Main Done");




input = 1 squared = 1

input = 2 squared = 4

input = 3 squared = 9

Main Done

Suspending & Resuming a Thread

/* th4 creates three threads: a, b, and c. b and c*/

/* suspend themselves immediately, a runs to completion */

/* and resumes b; b runs to completion and so on*/

class MoreThread extends AThread {

MoreThread cont;

Boolean pause;

public MoreThread(int x, MoreThread y, boolean z)

{ super(x); cont = y; pause = z; } //constructor

public void run() {

if (pause) suspend();


if (cont != null)


class th4 {

public static void main(String[] args)

throws InterruptedException {

MoreThread c = new MoreThread(3,null, true);

MoreThread b = new MoreThread(2,c, true);

MoreThread a = new MoreThread(1,b, false);

// start threads in opposite order

c.start(); b.start(); a.start();

System.out.println("Main Done");}}

Note: the order in which threads are created and started is important. Thread creation order is last-to-finish-is-created-first. Same for starting.


Main Done

input = 1 squared = 1

input = 2 squared = 4

input = 3 squared = 9

Stopping a Thread

A thread can die for two reasons:

1.Its stop() method is called.

2.End of scope of run() methods is reached(There is

no more code for thread to execute).

class DThread extends Thread {

DThread(String name){

super(name);} //constructor

public void run() {


System.out.println(getName() + " is active.");


} catch(ThreadDeath Death){

System.out.println("Uhhh " + getName() + " is being killed or something.(Thread Death caught)");


} catch(InterruptedException e){}



class DeathDemo {

public static void main(String args[]) {

// Create some DThread objects

DThread Beavis, Butthead;

//Initialize the objects

Beavis = new DThread("Beavis");

Butthead = new DThread("Butthead");

// Start the objects




// Main thread sleep for a little


} catch(InterruptedException e){}

// Kill Beavis thread


// Kill Butthead thread




Beavis is active.

Butthead is active.

Uhhh Beavis is being killed or something.(Thread Death caught)

Uhhh Butthead is being killed or something.(Thread Death caught)

Note:other features/operations on threads used in above example

Thread(String s):constructor that allows threads to be given name s

getName():returns name of thread

Priorities of Threads

Java assigns priorities to threads for thread scheduling. Top priority is 10, lowest priority is 1.Normal priority is 5. Program prints these numbers.

/* th6 queries the priority values of threads. */

class th6 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

AThread t = new AThread(7); // create thread

t.start(); // start thread (at

System.out.println("t's priority "+t.getPriority());




System.out.println("Main Done"); // main exists




t's priority 5




Main Done

input = 7 squared = 49

Note: setPriority(int i) - sets the thread's priority to i

Other Features of Threads

There are other features/operations on threads that are "interesting". Among them are:

currentThread()----returns reference to currently executing thread object

isAlive() -----tests if thread is alive

join(long m) -----waits for at most m milliseconds for thread to die

yield()-----causes currently executing thread object to temporarily pause and allow other threads to execute

interrupt( ) -----wakes up a waiting or sleeping thread (with an InterruptedException) or sets an "interrupted" flag on a non- sleeping thread.

interrupted( ) ----- a thread can test its own "interrupted" flag

isInterrupted( ) ----- a thread can test the "interrupted" flag of another thread.