Thread Scheduling
This question is based on Section 6.7 of
the text book. The text provides sample code for implementing a
implementing round-robin scheduler for Java threads. Using this code
as a starting point, implement a scheduler that has three queues with
different priorities, one each with priority 2,3 and 4. Have the
scheduler select a thread from the highest-priority non-empty queue,
set that thread's priority to 5 and allow the thread to run for the
time slice for that queue. Assume that times slice for each priority
DEFAULT_TIME_SLICE, respectively. When this time slice expires,
select the next highest priority thread and repeat the process. Assume
that round-robin scheduling is used at each priority level, and that a
higher priority thread that wakes up does not preempt a currently
executing thread. Unlike multi-level feedback queue scheduling,
assume that your simple scheduler does not move threads from one
priority-level to another.
Test your scheduler with three threads, one at each priority
level. Have each thread run in a loop incrementing a
counter. After every 10,000 loops, have each thread print out its
id and the current value of its counter and then sleep for 5
seconds, allowing a lower priority thread to run.
Threads and Semaphores
Using Java semaphores described in Section 7.8.6,
implement reader/writer communication.
A data object is to be shared among several concurrent threads
Some of the threads - Readers want only to read the content of the shared
object. When a reader, reads the content of the shared object(a single
character), it should produce the following output to the screen:
Reader <id> reading <character>
where <id> is the unique identifier of the Reader.
The Writer threads want to update (i.e. to read and write) the shared
object (a single character which it obtains from a file called writer_input.txt).
When a writer updates the shared object, it should produce the following
output on the screen:
Writer <id> writing <character>
where <id> is the unique identifier of the writer and
is the character just written on to the shared object.
Test your solution with multiple readers and writers. Of course, with
multiple readers and writers, the output will illustrate the concurrency
provided by threads.
Your code should prompt for the number of readers and the number of
writers, in that order. You can assume that a valid integer is provided
by the user for each of these. You should be sure that your code works
for different input files as we may test it with files other than what
you provide.
The Sleeping-Barbers Problem
A barber shop consists of a waiting room with n chairs, and a
barber room with one barber chair. If there are no customers to be
served, the barber goes to sleep. If a customer enters the barber shop
and all chairs are occupied, then the customers leaves the shop. If
the barber is busy but chairs are available, then the customers sits
in one of the free chairs. If the barber is asleep, the customers
wakes up the barber. Write a program to coordinate the barber and the
customers using Java synchronization. Your program should take
n as input and print out the action of each customer and the
barber at each step.
How to Turn in Lab 2
All of the following files and hard copies must be turned in to get
full credit for a question.
Create a directory in your course directory called
Make the directory group writable (chmod g+w ~/cs377/lab2)
and put all files in this directory.
- Hand in a hard copy of all the files that you modified.
Hand in a hard copy of a README file identifying your lab partner (if you
have one) and containing an outline of what you did for the assignment.
It should also explain and motivate your design choices. Keep it short
and to the point. Your ~/cs377/lab2 directory should
also contain this file.
If your implementation does not work, you should also document the
problems in the README, preferably with your explanation of why it does
not work and how you would solve it if you had more time. Of course,
you should also comment your code. We can't give you credit for something
we don't understand!
Hand in a hard copy showing sample output from your programs.
Individual Group Assessment (for students working in groups only)
10 percent of your lab grade will come from your participation
in this project as a member of your two person group.
What you need to turn in (each person individually):
Turn in a hard copy of your assessment of the division of labor
in the group in the format shown below. If you give yourself a 50%
and your partner gives you a 50%, you will get the whole 10 points.
If you give your partner a 40% and your partner gives himself or herself
a 40%, he or she will get 8 points. And so on...
- Note: We will strictly enforce policies on cheating.
Remember that we routinely run similarity checking programs on your
solutions to detect cheating. Please make sure you turn in your own work.